Couldn't really figure out a topic, but they insist that I put one, so..... :) It's November already! ENd of the year! Yikes!! Right now I'm more worried on surviving the next few days, weeks, months to even care which year I'm living
Sometimes I don't know what to write. Probably a brain defect on my part. I never say anything intelligent anymore, can't spell for me life, and really, I've no idea what I'm thinking about as I write this. OH well, one of those "moments".
Each time I hear Alanis's That I would Be Good, I wonder if I'll ever be that. Inner demons are scary monsters that pry on your sanity. I would give anything to not succumb, or maybe not. Temptations are awfully tempting, wish I didn't make so many promises to not give in...gah.
What's wrong with me?
I wish i knew. Someone answered nicely that there's nothing wrong with me, it's the whole world that's screwed up....hmm...thought to ponder. Maybe I shld do a huge survey and incoporate it as one of the many "social studies" material. Kill two birds with one stone, yeah!
If u stayed with me till the end of this, thank you for ur time, hope it wasn't a waste. Great stuff :-)