Monday, December 06, 2004

All I Want For Christmas is.....

song playing: all i want for christmas(olivia olson; ost love actually)

My christmas wish-list. Every year, i'm sure u guys wonder at what to get for me (i think). So I've decided to make it easier for you guys..... aren't I nice? All together now.... THANK YOU J!!

So folks, ready? ^_^

1. air ticket home
2. excellent Japanese skills
3. for good friends (includes all my efforts to communicate with d jap ppl here)
4. to be myself, in one whole piece, minus all stress and everything else that bugs the shit out of me and make me miserable
5. better motivation to do things, rather than my current pathetic efforts to force myself

......... yeah folks, think u might be able to help me find those things? Nah... absolutely kidding, those are much more in d self department than in the "we-can-buy-for-you" department. If u've made it here so far, then u get to see my real list.... =)

1. to go home for christmas and bd (this still doesn'T change!)
2. to meet up with my best pals and yarn with them for hours
3. to thank God that i've made it through another year; for everything that I've went through and got through, priceless lessons in life
4. to thank my family for their wonderful love and support
5. to thank my wonderful friends who have stuck with me through this year's up and down, tears and laughter, joy and sadness.....
6. to tell my friends that i'll be here for you guys too if u ever need me. just one phone call away. screw d distance eh.
7. to tell u all that i love u all to death, don't u ever dare forget it!!!!!!!!! 永遠都会!

well, that's about it. this year, for me, it's about remembering the people who have made an impact in my life, who have taught me new things, gave me a better understanding into what friendship is all about, deeper meaning into life.... guess all I want to say is that, i've already got the best presents, and they r u guys.

love loads, J.

ps. However, presents are still accepted u know. and no, u r not allow to forget my birthday in anyway.....won't friend u anymore if u do!!!!!!!!!

pss. was joking for d 2nd line. (^_-) u all know how i feel about my bd....

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