Thursday, April 14, 2005

my first week

What a boring week...boring semester it will i thought as i start my first week of 2nd year. geez, now that i've got most of my credits, i don'T need to take a lot of classes. it's a good thing, but heck, the classes that i wanna take seems to be at the worst hours, creating holes in my timetable...!! argh...... still fixing that problem at the moment. well, good news is that i've passed all my exams..yeah!!

so, what else have i been up too? slacking, would be the word of the week. as i cut classes out of my timetable, they are even days that i don'T need to go to uni!! good thing is that well, it's a hol of some sort, bad thing is that, it'S in the middle of the week, not a monday or no long weekends for me...boohoo!!

oh yeah, started to fansub yesterday. ??? u might think... Basically, i translate anime episodes from jap to eng, and together with the team, we hammer everything together to make a subtittled episode. people will download the finished episodes from the internet or through IRC. am discovering a new fun world out here. not like i'm getting paid or anything. it's fun, good jap practice, allows me to meet up with loads of ppl around d world who are anime lovers... amazing. currently doing translation check. fun fun fun!!

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