Monday, November 22, 2004

Moments in Life

"I will talk and Hollywood will listen....." so sings Robbie Williams. Have you ever heard this cd? It's fabulous.... Well, definitely not the usual Robbie, but if you like something jazzy, something old... this is definitely a good one.

What a long weekend. Between friends visiting, meeting up with seniors and juggling studying plus my uni's festival... it does take its toll. Good thing that classes only begin on wednesday. However, it has been a great weekend. Movies, and more movies.... even watched Gigli. Not the greatest movie ever made, but still watchable, to a certain degree. Well, when you want something that doesn't make you think but yet make you laugh, perhaps this might do it for you.

Admist all the things I did, I found my thoughts wondering, wishing and hoping for certain things that I know with certainty that would not come to pass. So question: Ever felt the same way as I do? An email reached me today with the first line "There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!" This sentence sums up my emotional state, my desire with such accuracy that it's unsettling. Moments like this, you become this emotional void. I can literally feel that hole inside me, and that is not a nice feeling at all. Something's missing.

And on that note, I return to my little corner and perhaps there, will be able to find some clay to patch up the hole.......... wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

My confession ??!!

"It has been almost 3 weeks since my last......" ^_-

Well well, time flies, doesn't it? It is already the 6th week of classes, and soon, next weekend actually, it will be the uni's annual festival aka open day. But that's another story, that is if I ever decide to write, hehe.

I've come to realised that I have neglected my spritual life, very much. I just can't seem to summon the energy or will to go to church nowadays. If not for a promise that I made to my friends, I would not have gone. tsk tsk indeed. Much as I know that fellowship is an important part in our lifes, I just don't seem to fit in anywhere. Even in school. Grrr..... why can't I communicate with my classmates is really something that is starting to bug. WIth the cliches popping up all over, I wonder which group should I choose? Hmm... perhaps none.

I am told that I'm studying too hard. If only my efforts are reflected in my results! Unfortunately for me, other than looking extremely tired and being totally anti-social cum dissappeared altogether, my results are definitely not bucking up. Perhaps I should just stop making so much effort. *sigh* what a dilemma!

Right, enough talk about me. Everything is ALL good, regardless.