Sunday, March 06, 2005

the unfaitful

wow, it HAS been a while. looking back at my last blog. perhaps you guys have stop reading. who knows? i might have just lost my touch to blog, well, maybe just maybe.

Things has been rather messy and rather uninspiring on my end. from ending exams to finishing reports to having spring break, celebrating CNY and etc. Things seem to all come together and go together. *sigh* sure makes life loses direction. not that i've got much of it to complete about anyway.

so, what has been on my mind lately? hmm... too much yet too little. can't organise myself properly anymore. feels rather hollow-ish and empty. feel like a mechanical being with no sense in what i'm doing other than living each day like a routine. this is so un-hol like, but to be honest, i really don't have the will to do anything. no urge to move forward, nada. being stagnant has it ups and downs, and other i'm feeling ok with where i am now, i know, deep down that things are not supposed to be this way. all sense of enthusiasism seems to evade me. sometimes i wonder if i've become an empty shell. there is no more satisfaction in pursuing anything or getting anything done. just, as i've said, it's a routine to live with doing what is expected of me.

is this supposed to be life? i wonder.